Cosplay Apprentice
Cosplay Apprentice

Blog tagged as EVA Foam

3 Plasti-Dip Alternatives to Seal EVA Foam Cosplay Props and Costumes in a small space
If you are in a small space or an apartment, Plasti-Dip may not work to great for you to seal your EVA foam so here are three alternative sealing methods that can help you seal your foam cosplay armor and props.
02-17-20 05:30 AM - Comment(s)
How to fill EVA Foam gaps and seams for Props and Armor - Cosplay Quick Tip Clip
Sometimes its unavoidable, and you have to patch some seams or gaps in your cosplay armor
02-13-20 06:00 AM - Comment(s)
Easiest way to hide seams in Cosplay Foam Armor - No Filler Needed

Seams are the bane of many cosplayers existence and causes many a hours patch work, but what if I told you there was a way to cover or hide your seams in a way that provided a seamless look and no need to spend hours using a filler to try and blend your seams together? In this cosplay quick tip I w...

02-12-20 06:00 AM - Comment(s)
Applying contact cement made easy - Cosplay Quick Tip Clip
Contact Cement is one of the best glue options around when it comes to cosplaying with EVA foam. I want to share with you a wonderful trick I use to make applying the contact cement clean and easy.
01-21-20 10:57 PM - Comment(s)
Best glue for EVA foam sheets - Cosplay Quick Tip Clip
If you are trying to figure out what the best glue to use on EVA Foam sheets for Cosplay, then you are in the right place. I will tell you the best glues to use in the right situations when cosplaying with EVA Foam Sheets.
01-21-20 10:50 PM - Comment(s)